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Service of Thanksgiving in Gloucester Cathedral


Dear Fellow Back Badge Wearer,

In November 1953 around 400 Prisoners of War from the Gloucestershire Regiment returned to Gloucestershire after two and a half years in captivity in North Korea after being captured at the end of the Battle of The Imjin River in Korea in April 1951.

On their return, they all attended a Service of Thanksgiving in Gloucester Cathedral during which The Carne Cross was presented to the Cathedral.

The cross was fashioned from a rock with a nail by Lt Col Carne during an extended period of solitary confinement, and used by the soldiers in church services within the prison camp and smuggled out when the prisoners were exchanged.

On the 70th Anniversary of the arrival of the prisoners back in Gloucestershire we will be holding a Service of Commemoration to honour them and their fallen comrades from both the battle and the period in the camps. This service will be held on 25th November 2023 and will be based on the original service held in the cathedral 70 years ago to the week. The service will include the ceremonial re-presentation of The Carne Cross to the Cathedral.

We would like to invite you to this service which will take place at 1630hrs on Saturday 25 November 2023 in Gloucester Cathedral. All veterans and families are welcome to attend, dress suited & booted or smart civvies (former would be a preference). All those planning to attend should RSVP to Len Keeling at with all names, to ensure we have the appropriate seating available. No march this time, expecting a large gathering of veterans and families so get your seat reservations in early.

“By our deeds we are known”

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