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Wayne Butcher

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John and myself along with our family and Wayne’s wife Denise Butcher would like to announce the sad passing of dad/wayne he had a 10 month battle with cancer which was already at stage 4 when he himself found out,I can’t put into words the massive whole in our lives he’s left and the pain and hurt we’re all feeling, our hearts are broken and it’s gonna be a long road of grieving and looking after one another, for those of you that new wayne new the sort of character he was, funny, witty, loved cycling and would always be there to help people out, in 2017 when my life was a mess and I couldn’t get clean wayne took me in with 2 rules get a job and get clean, which I did, I’m eternally grateful for that and I’m gonna miss him immensely,
Dad/Wayne chose to have a pure cremation which ment no funeral or wake, however as a family we would like to invite whoever new Wayne or wants to pay the respects to a celebration of life ? party,
This will be held
Anyone that knew him or us that wants to pay there respects is welcome, please share this,
There will be A BAR, FOOD AND MUSIC, all welcome
Picture is from beating the scousers 1 nil in the cup.

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