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The Slashers golf society on tour 2023.

The Slashers golf society on tour 2023.
We decided on Sueno golf hotel Belek Antalya Turkey twelve months in advance as we had been to this destination on four previous occasions, it is considered to be one of the best golfing destinations available, the society has been touring for over twenty years to many different countries such as Tunisia , Morocco, Spain & Portugal but none compare with Turkey for value,

This years tour was organised by Steve Bennion & Steve Knight both ex Glosters thier organising skills are extremely good when it comes to golf tours , twenty four guys went on tour competing for a team prize ( the Salamanca trophy ) & the main prize The coveted Primrose Jacket ,

The first night is always a late night and some didn’t get to bed as it’s an all inclusive holiday so there were a few sore heads to start the weeks golf ,

Day one was a warmer in the bank team Texas scramble competition played in 36 degrees luckily we were in buggies with plenty of water, it’s a great friendly format where everyone can ease into the week ,

The facilities at the hotel are excellent the staff are very good and there is so much choice of food there is something for everyone ,

We played 5 straight rounds of golf with a rest day at the end of the week , however some guys played even on there rest day ,

The Twenty four players are divided into two equal ability teams 28th & LXI and play over two rounds for the trophy , this year the winners were team 28th captained by Tim Perrins ex Glosters,

The primrose jacket is the main competition, The jacket belonged to the England cricketer Tom Graveney who donated it to the slashers society , each year we play for the jacket on tour , the winners name is embroidered on the jacket and presented to that individual at the annual slashers August meeting,

This year we played two great courses , the Dunes & The National for the jacket with the winner scoring a magnificent gross four over par on the National 43 Stableford points ,and a par round on the Dunes course 36 points , 

The top Three were 1st place Roy Evans , 2nd place Matt Evans 3rd place Ron Cooke ,

The tour is finally is the end of tour dinner ,where we dress in planters order society ties and toast the king & Regiment , this year the dinner was organised by Graham ( Butch ) Sargent who did a fantastic job in booking a complete restaurant solely for our group with waiter service and a 5 course meal , needless to say it was a fantastic end to a perfect week ,

Roy Evans

Some photos from the tour

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