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Gloster Day Parade Weekend 2023

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Gloster Day Parade Weekend 2023 the 15th Parade since 2009. (A Few Have Gone But Never Forgotten).
Well folks we are nearly there, only a couple of weeks away, here are a few brief notes to let you know what happens for those who are new and joining us this year.

Please have a great time as I know you will, but remember that the great people of Gloucester love their County Regiments and will be looking at us as always with great pride, please be aware of this and don’t bring the Glorious name of our Regiments into disrepute.

The celebration has now developed into a weekend of getting together and on Friday, Glosters RGBW, Rifles, and Wessex Veterans and families will arrive from all over the country (the world even) I wish you all safe travels.

On the Friday 1st September as people arrive and get settled we tend to meet up at the New Inn in the early afternoon for a few drinks and a catch up with old friends.

And in keeping with our normal Friday evening tradition we have organized a talk in the museum.
This year by Nicola Nash from the War Detectives TV show.

Nicola works at the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre at ARRC.
She will specifically be talking about trying to locate the fallen members of the Gloucestershire Regiment still in the Korean War. This will be well worth attending and tickets are £10 from the Museum.

Museum Bar:– Friday Evening, Gloster Day Night Bar from 18:00 until late.
There are also plenty of bars and restaurants in and around the city centre to enjoy as I know we all like to hang out with those you served with.

Saturday 2nd September Gloucester Day.
If the hotel you are staying in does not do breakfast, some of us like to head over to the New Inn they do a very good Buffet breakfast for non guests and its also good for finding out what’s happening during the day.

The GDP Family starts to gather together at around 10 -11am in Witherspoon / New Inn or the Con-club (FUP)

The GDP Parade assembles at 13.30 hrs. along Constitution walk behind Brunswick Rd Museum and along side the Con-club(FUP as before).

This year the route is a little shorter the parade makes its way to Eastgate St following the Via Sacra paving through Queens Walk then turning left into Eastgate St, making its way over Gloucester Cross down Westgate St turning right into St Johns Lane, crossing Northgate St into St Aldate St, into Kings Sq. The Mayor and Civic Party take the Salute on the main stage. The Parade makes its way along the Oxbode turning left into Northgate St making its way over Gloucester Cross along Southgate St falling out at Brunswick Baptist Church. The Veteran Contingent will form up in file outside St Mary De Crypt and form a guard of Honour for Civic Party (as we do every year) and fall out to the museum for a well-earned bevvie and a chill.

Saturday, the after the parade Gloster Museum Bar is open as usual with hot food and entertainment until late (as agreed last year, there is no official evening do this year)
I would just like to say a big thank you to Matthew and his team for their hard work and continued support of the GDP weekend, I know the feeling is mutual and support that we would have liked when we started back in 2009.

Many thanks for coming I hope you all had a great time and safe journey home, lets do it all again next year 6-7 Sept 24, god willing. Best Wishes as always, Mark.

Other Events during the day.
11.00 am The Mock Mayor of Barton’s Parade
11.10 Mayor of Gloucester and Civic party need to be on stage in Kings Sq
11.20 Mock Mayor meets the Mayor of Gloucester
11.40Parade departs to St Mary De Crypt.
12.00 Gloucester Day Thanksgiving Service St Mary De Crypt
12.45 Refreshments Brunswick Baptist Church

The Gloucester Day Committee invites you to join us on Gloucester Day for the Gloucester Day celebrations and parade. Please read carefully and respond A.S.A.P.

The event will take place in the Historic City of Gloucester, on Saturday 2nd September 2023. The first Parade, the Mock Mayor of Barton’s Parade, commences at 11 am followed by a Thanksgiving Day service at St Mary De Crypt. At 2 pm the Gloucester Day Parade will make its way through the four main gated streets and is led by the Mayor and Sheriff of Gloucester, in full Civic Regalia.

This event is designed to install and promote pride in our historic city by creating interest in its rich heritage and colourful past. The major catalyst is to reinstate the original Gloucester Day celebration, which was the lifting of the siege of Gloucester in 1643. This occasion was celebrated annually for centuries, hence Gloucester becoming known as The City saved by God.

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