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Glosters Memorial Unveiling

Glosters Memorial Unveiling


Having started fundraising in earnest in mid -2023, I am delighted to be able to let you know that we are now able to formally announce that the Dedication of the Gloucestershire Regiment Memorial will take place on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA).starting at 2.30pm.



We are now approaching all those who have donated individually or collectively towards the Memorial and inviting you to the Dedication. Our funds have been accumulated from a wide variety of sources – prediminantly the “Regimental Family”- as well as related organisations. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all those who have given so generously and who have organised collective donations and events. It is heartwarming that, although it is 30 years since the Glosters marched off parade for the last time; such goodwill is still felt towards the Regiment that left its mark on us all

For those who have not yet contributed, but who wish to attend, there is still time to donate. Any additional contributions will be most gratefully received, as they will enable us to continue to encourage and enable visits to our memorial in the future. 

Dedication Service

Although the Dedication service will start at 2.30pm, please arrive earlier – no later than 1.30pm. This will give everyone time to meet up with friends and move to the Memorial which is some 500 yeards from the main NMA building. Golf carts are available for those who need a lift from the visitors centre. The service will be led by the Reverend Andy Grant, an ex-Gloster, and a band, made up  also of ex-Glosters and led by Roger Phelps, as well as standards, will be present. Seating is limited and wreaths will be laid at the end of the Dedictaion. There will be a number of VIPs attending.

After the service, those who have contributed to the Memorial fund, are invited to a “Tea Party” to be held in the Aspects Building at the NMA. this will be an opportunity to mix, reminisce and meet VIPs; the event will be ticketed with access limited to donors 


This is a formal occasion. Please wear suitable clothing and headgear, including medals and berets/bowler hats, as appropriate. Those in possession of the Gloucestershire Regiment Tercentenary medal, issued in 1994, are encouraged to wear it. 


Entry to the NMA is free, but not car parking. Those wishing to attend in their own transport are recommended to book a parking space, before the date, via the NMA web site. This will give you the discounted parking rate and pre-register your details, which will save time on the day. The NMA opens at 10am and, if you have not visited before, it is well worth coming early and touring the whole site. There are plenty of “facilities” to keep you occupied, including a restaurant. 

For those needing transport, buses to the NMA will be organised, departing from, and returning to Gloucester. Len Keeling will publish details nearer the date. Those planning to attend should bear in mind that space is limited so there will be a limit on numbers. 


Finally, you should register, by using the form below, your intention to attend the Dedication as soon as possible, as final figures are required by 19th August. Please bear in mind that, after this date there is very little scope to change. Names of all those attending need to be registered and collated for security reasons and if you are not on the list there is no guarantee of entry. The return slip for those wishing to attend is included in this EMail and details required are self-explanatory. On arrival at the NMA wrist bands will be issued at the “checking in point” near Reception to signify arrival and registration.

We now very much look forward to hearing from you all and hope that as many of you as possible will be attending what promises to be a memorable and joyful day!

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  • Neil Webb

    I did send details of my wish to attend via Len yesterday, as I saw the post on the Glosters Veterans Facebook. Saw this on the Slashers site today and therefore have submitted the form again just in case. Neil Webb

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