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memories of 13 Platoon, D Coy 1965

The following has been received:

Good Morning Gentleman,
Following your latest communication , I was curious to know how many old and bold are still with us from 13 platoon D Coy, which was my platoon after being commissioned from Mons OCS in 1965. Paul Arengo Jones was the senior sub in D company, some other bloke commanded 15 platoon I think, and Bobby Martin was the OC. George Thomas was the CSM and the Bn was commanded by HENRY RADICE !!!! Adjt was David Godfrey and his asst was Tim Cooper. Jeremy Mermagen was sigs Officer and Mike Smith- Rewes was the mortar comd. Swaziland was the posting.

Cpl Panga Price will live with me for ever as will Cpl Nobby Clark !!!!!! and Len Keeling (Then pte Keeling) I know you won’t forget me Len!! . How I wish memories did not fade.

Best wishes to all old Glosters

Peter McNaught

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