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Post Service Report – Brian (Bri) Wright

Friday saw the funeral of Brian Wright take place at Torbay Crematorium, Devon, and later a celebration of his life at The Crown and Sceptre, St Marychurch, Torquay. The Regiment was extremely well represented, It was a huge challenge to get over 150 people into an 80-seater facility but using every square inch of standing room we accomplished it! I would like to thank Len Keeling for organising the minibus down from Gloucester, the four Standard Bearers: Scott McBryde, Roger Smith, Steven Tierney and the local British Legion representative. Also grateful to the six volunteer pallbearers on the day, Eddie Kenneford, Ben Casey, John Davies, Tony Jones, Allan Winchester and Dave Stone.
Chas Deacon the Celebrant held it all together nicely and the two Senior Rank musicians from The Rifles gave a great rendition of the Last Post, leaving hardly a dry eye in the building. The live service video link has been taken down for editing but will be published again shortly using the details issued previously. Feedback from the family during the day was outstanding and made all the hard work very worthwhile. I would like to thank Bob, Sadie and Clair for hosting the day’s events including the most welcoming celebrations I have ever attended in a Pub. Last, but not least, a huge thank you to all the members of the Regiment who turned up and made the day such a great success, it was a great tribute to the “Glosters” family and its former members.
Should anyone have missed donating during the day, and would like to do so, the details are as follows: RGBW Association Somerset. Sort Code: 30 99 51 Acct No 00545601 and include “BW” in the description box, thank you.

Martin Talling
“by our deeds, we are known”

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