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Slashers Golf 2023

Slashers Golf 2023

The Slashers Golf Society – 2023

The Page is dedicated to the Slashers Golf Society. Check back here often for new from the society, including details of meetings


2023 Itinerary

24th March. Ombersley GC
28th April. Woodlands signature GC.
11th May Bristol & Clifton ABF
19th May. Shirehampton GC
23rd June. Broom manor GC – 12 man team – Burma cup .
30th June Cotswold Edge GC.

19th July. Dainton park Devon ABF.
21st July. Cirencester GC.

4th August. Brickhampton GC Slashers annual championship.
25th August. Thornbury GC
15th sept. South Hereford GC
19-26 sept Tour Sueno Belek Turkey .
9th Oct. South Winchester Rifles meet.
20th Oct. Tewkesbury park GC.

The next society golf meeting is the last game of the season
Held at Tewkesbury park GC.
Friday 20th Oct


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Ombersley GC 24 March 2023

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Woodlands 28 April 2023

The second Slashers Golf Society of the season was held at Woodlands GC.
Following a very wet few days the course was wet underfoot but the sun came out and made for an enjoyable game of golf .
The result of the two individual matchplay played were as follows;
Wayne Hasking won 4/3 v Roy Evans
Greg Mayers. Won 6/4. V Ade Eyre.
Congratulations to the winners ,

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The Bristol & Clifton 11 May 2023

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Shirehampton Golf Club 19 May 2023

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Cotswold Edge GC

Cotswold Edge GC 30 June 2023

individual match play results
Matt Evans won 2/1. V. Roy Evans
Congratulations to the winners today
1st place Simon Rossiter. 40 points
2nd place Tony Dixon. 38 points
3rd place. Michael Jenkins. 37 points
the 2s. Winners ,
Tony Dixon & Graham Eastwood.
the nearest pin winners ,
Tony Dixon 7th hole
David Llewellyn. 11th hole
Wayne Hasking. 16th hole

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Cirencester GC

21st July. Cirencester GC.

Congratulations to the top three today at Cirencester GC
Dan Midwinter. (11). First place 42 points
Chris Rossiter. (24). Second place 38 points
Matt Evans. (15). Third place 36 points

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Slashers Golf Society annual meet .
Friday 4th August 2023. Brickhampton GC.

The Slashers Golf Society Annual Meet . Friday 4th August 2023. Brickhampton GC.

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Thornbury GC Friday 25 August 2023

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South Hereford

South Hereford Golf Club 15 September 2023

Monthly Slashers Golf Society meet at South Hereford GC , Course was in excellent condition, greens were a challenge, Thanks Steve Bennion for organising a great day ,
Congratulations to the two best scores of the day both on 39 points.
1st place on count back – Greg Mayers
2nd place on count back – Steve Knight
Congratulations to the nearest the pin winners,
3rd –Ray Dixon
7th – Tony Dixon.
14th – Vic Coles
17th – Les West
Most golf played was Chris McGuinnes, considering he has only just started playing 19 points was very respectable.

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This page/section is for the Slasher Golf Society. If there is anyone out there who would like to contribute to this page then please drop us an email at admin@glosters.org or use the form below.Thankyou


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