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The Rev John Morley-Bunker

It is my sad duty to inform the passing of the Rev John Morley-Bunker, who died at the age of 95 on 9th September 2023.

He is survived by his wife, Edna Morley-Bunker and by sons Michael and Nigel (notifier). Anyone wishing to contact Edna should contact the County Chairman who has her address. John’s funeral will take place at Clifton (RC) Cathedral on Wednesday 27 September at 1100hrs.
John joined the 1stBattalion The Gloucestershire Regiment after the retreat from Rangoon in WW2. He was stationed in India (now Pakistan) until the country’s partition and independence in 1947. Later in life, he became a priest in Bristol, first of all, Anglican and later Roman Catholic. A letter of condolence has been sent to the family and the County Chairman will be in attendance, other association members are welcome.

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